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We’re here to help.

The claims process can seem overwhelming. We can show you the ropes. We’ll explain how workers’ compensation, disability, leave of absence and other types of claims typically work.

Click here for more information.

Learn more about mySedgwick

By registering for mySedgwick, you can check the status of your claim, view payment history, or update information about your claim.

Contact us

Problems? Drop us a line.

Corporate headquarters

Memphis, TN 38187-1865

Frequently asked questions

Chat with us to find out the best way to start a new claim or manage an existing claim using Carey.

Start a new chat

Our virtual colleague, Carey, can help direct you to your claims team, 24/7/365.

You can also manage and access information about your claim on mySedgwick 24/7/365 at

Chat with us

mySedgwick is our 24/7/365 proprietary claims system, which gives you access to manage and access information about your claim.

With mySedgwick, you can easily

  • Create a new disability or leave claim
  • View information about your existing claim or leave, including claim status, payment history, and leave balances
  • Securely communicate with your claims team
  • Add absence and return to work dates to your case or claim
  • Update your personal information and elect to receive text or email updates in regards to your case or claim
  • Upload files associated with your claim, including photos and documents

Sign in to mySedgwick

Manage a claim

To register for mySedgwick, complete the following steps:

  • Access the system through your HR/benefits department or go to
  • Click New User.
  • Complete the Personal Information section.
  • If you have a pending case or claim, complete the Your case/claim information section.
  • Create a new username and password. Your password should:
    • be at least eight characters long
    • contain at least three of the following: alphabetic character, numeric character, special character, and change in case.
    • be different than your username.
  • Secure your account by selecting a security question and providing your answer
  • After registration is complete, you will receive a confirmation email.
  • If you cannot remember your password, click Forgot Username or Password and enter your Username.
  • If your username is recognized, Sedgwick will email your password to you. If you cannot remember your username, contact the Sedgwick Technical Applications Team at (866) 647-7610.
  • Learn more about mySedgwick from this video.

At Sedgwick, we work hard to get you back to your normal life as quickly as possible. We will be with you every step of the way.

Learn about the claims process here:

Learn more
Más información sobre el proceso de reclamaciones

Sedgwick Technical Support is available from 6:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M., central time, Monday through Friday.

Toll-free number: (866) 647-7610 Toll number: (901) 415-7800

Live chat for technical support with your mySedgwick, viaOne or other Sedgwick system:

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